Half marathon21KM
The road from the village of Lin to Pogradec city is completely paved. Runners will run on the right side of the road in the direction Lin – Pogradec, first the road crosses the exit from the village of Lin, then runners will run in the lane of the promenade. The security forces should be careful and ensure that during the time when the marathon takes place (from 19:00 – 23:00 pm), the vehicles must move carefully on their left side (one side of the road preferably should be free) and preferably stop the traffic at some points such as junctions, or it can be crossed carefully. Runners will enjoy the fresh lake air, admiring the landscapes of a nature that speaks the language of wonder. A very interesting itinerary will be traversed, while getting acquainted with the inhabited centres but also with the places that keep the historical identity fresh.
Length of the asphalt road “ENKELANA”, 21 Km and 97 ml Departure, Start centre of Lin village. Arrival, Finish in the centre of Pogradec.
In the half marathon of 21 Km, can participate all those who have reached the age of 18.
Mini marathon11.5KM
The road is completely paved, you will run inside the city, the road from the city center to the north, take the turn at the entrance to the city, the ring road, the roundabout, then we turn left towards the national road, and run non-stop to the center of Drilon village and turn towards the promenade. We will run in a ring shape, along the entire width of the roads towards the village of Drilon, (the city ring segment and the national road are blocked for only 30 minutes), and then the runners will continue in the promenade lane. There should special care by the The state policy should make sure that during the time of the marathon (from 19:00 21:00), the
vehicles will move carefully on the left of the road. In some points such as crossroads, the ring road and the national highway the vehicles’ circulation should be interrupted or it should be crossed with special care.
Runners will enjoy the clean streets of the city, the flowers of the season, the fresh air of Lake Pogradec. They will admire the landscapes of a nature that speaks the language of wonder. A very interesting itinerary will be traversed getting acquainted with the inhabited centers but also with the places that keep the historical identity fresh.
Length of the asphalt road “Enkelana”, 11.5 Km. Departure, Start, center of Pogradec, it continues towards Drilon touristic village Arrival, Finish in the center of Pogradec.
In the half marathon of 11.5 Km, can participate all those who have reached the age of 16.
International Half Marathon “ENKELANA” is a road running race in total length of 21.098 m. Start centre of Lin Village and finish line will be in Pogradec city. The race start is scheduled for 26 July 2025 at 19:00 PM. Start centre of Lin Village and finish line will be in Pogradeccity.
All competitors must enter the race in a good health status and they run at their own risk. By registering for the race, the competitor gives up all possibility of transferring responsibility to the race organiser and confirms his/her good health status and competence to start and finish the race. In accordance to the rules of the road running race organisation, the organiser will provide needed medical care.
All competitors must be 18 or older for half marathon on the day of the race. Younger competitors, who are at least 16 years old for 11.5 km marathon, may participate with the parents consent and an approval of a sports medicine doctor.
By registering for the race, the competitor agrees that all the photographs taken before, during or after the race can be used by the organiser for internal requirements and promotion of the event. The competitor also agrees on the organiser`s use of their personal data for the internal communication and the purposes of the race promotion.
Refreshments will be provided at the start, during the race and in the finish area. Extra refreshments will be provided in the finish area.
Time will be measured electronically with an electronic chip and results will be published on the official web page, Marathon “ENKELANA” of the organiser right after the race. All competitors will have a net time (chip start) and a gross time (the time from start signal to the time of crossing the finish line). In accordance with the rules of the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations), the official score will be the competitors gross time.
The start number must be placed only on the runner`s chest and it must be visible throughout the whole race. During the race the competitor must also have a corresponding chip on their start number because without the chip their result will not be registered. Failure to comply with the rules entails disqualification of the competitor.
The time limit of Half Marathon is 3 hours (8:32 min/km). One checkpoint will be on half of the race – 10.549 m. Runners must pass this point in less than 1h:30min.
The unofficial race results will be published right after the race. The right to appeal is three days after the announcement of the unofficial results. The results will become official as soon as the period to appeal on the unofficial results expires.
The traffic will be closed and a police motorcycle escort is provided for the first group of competitors. Unless otherwise stated, the rules of the Albanian Athletic Federation are applied in agreement with the rules of the IAAF. The race course is officially measured and has the international IAAF certificate.
Competitors register for the race as a team of four runners. They register regardless of gender or age respecting all of the above for the half marathon race.
The relays are divided by categories:
All other rules and responsibilities are the same as for the half marathon race with the exception of the age rule where competitors must be 16 year old on the day of the race. All competitors who are 16 years old or younger may participate with the parents consent and an approval of a sports medicine doctor.
11.5 KM Marathon race is a road running race in total length of 11.700 m. Runners run one 5 K lap. Start and finish line are on the same place. There will be one checkpoint on the most distant part of the race course (Village Drilon).
The race starts on 26 July 2025 at 19:00 PM. Start and finish line will be in front of hotel “Enkelana”.
All competitors must be at least 16 years old on the day of the race. Competitors that are younger than 16 may compete with their parents consent and an approval of a sports medicine doctor.
The time limit for the race is 120 minutes (9:00 min/km).
All rules and responsibilities for the half marathon apply.